The Aqua pencils are available in 12 shades, 5 in a matte finish and 7 in a pearly finish.
These pencils are sold in Sephora (online and in-store) for $23CDN.
All Pencils |
Matte Finish Pencil Colours |
Pearly Finish Pencil Colours |
Lori's Story:
Time #1
I tried the pencil, it was so creamy and really easy to blend with my MAC 217 and MAC 219
brushes. The product is very creamy. I did apply my foundation and concealor to my lids
(as is my usual routine). Then I went to work. Three hours later there as creasing which got
progressively worse by the end of the day.
Time #2
This time I applied my base as per normal and layered some shadow on top of the cream.
The shadow did crease but it did not seem to be as pronounced as the day before.
Lindsey was fantastic and recommended that I have an absolutely bare lid, no moisturizer,
foundation, eye primer, or anything else. I am a smart girl and can follow directions...
Time #3
Nothing underneath the cream pencil. Straight on the lids. Again, blended like a dream!
Unfortunately, it still creased.
At this point I emailed Lindsey and asked for advice. I love how the product applies,
but it is just not crease resistant on my lids. She consulted with Joelle (one of their artists)
and examined the pictures I had sent. Their recommendation was to Apply a small quantity
of HD Foundation (or a concealer) on my eyelid using a synthetic brush (I used a MAC 242)
to keep the temperature of the product stable, then apply a tiny little (small quantity) of HD
powder on my eyelid. Let it sit for a moment. Work in the Aqua Shadows and try blending
them with a Natural hair brush (I used the MAC 217) as opposed to fingers- using fingers
might warm up the products too much and cause them to crease). Try working with a Natural
hair brush to avoid streaking and other undesirable effects.
I have to say that they are working with my wonky lids, yours are likely to be much different!!
Time #4
Followed the directions to the T.... Less creasing (much) but still pronounced about 8 hours
Times #5-#8
#5 - MUFE foundation on lids (very little), 2 layers of HD powder (very little), proceeded to do
foundation, then returned to the eye and applied Aqua Shadow pencil.
#6 - MUFE foundation on lids (very little), one layer of HD powder (very little), proceeded to do
foundation, then returned to the eye and applied Aqua Shadow pencil, then applied shadow.
#7 - MUFE foundation on lids (very little), one layer of HD powder (very little), proceeded to do
foundation, then returned to the eye and applied Aqua Shadow pencil, applied one light layer
of HD powder on lid.
#8 - MUFE foundation on lids (very little), one layer of HD powder (very little), proceeded to do
foundation, then returned to the eye and applied Aqua Shadow pencil, applied 2 light layers of
HD powder on lid
Still creasing....
So I decided to test more (cause I am a stubborn thing...)
Here is routine for the best results thus far on my lids:
Tarte eye primer on lids (very little), 1 layer of HD powder (very little), proceeded to do
foundation, then returned to the eye and applied Aqua Shadow pencil, 1 layer of HD
powder (very little).
With this combo, this shadow stays put for 10+ hours.
I am going to try the new MUFE Eye Prime. Sometimes products just work with like
branded products
Sold in Sephora stores and online for $25CDN.
I hope no one thinks that I do not like the Aqua
pencils, I love it. It just took a little time to get
the combo right for my oil-slick lids. The pigment
and blend-ability is fantastic and as a base for
other shadows it rocks!
I will be purchasing other colours in the collection.
Makes the colour of the powder shadows pop!!!
Any questions, please comment below!
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